Sunday, May 18, 2008

There's no way that I can talk myself out of this one tonight.

By and large my favorite band of all time is Texas is the Reason. In earlier posts I've made my case for the Promise Ring, so by now it should be no surprise that I consider the upper-tier of the mid to late '90s "emo" category to be among the greatest and most, for lack of a better term, pure sources of music ever recorded. There's something ultimately unique about Texas is the Reason which sets them apart from a Sunny Day Real Estate or a Promise Ring. They only existed for 3 years. In that time, they did one ep, one lp, and two split 7-inches. An entire recorded discography of 14 songs, unless I'm missing something. The lyrical and music thread that ties their work together and that makes them so appealing to my ears is the overwhelming sense of urgency in the songs. Do You Know Who You Are into Back and to the Left from the lp is 6 combined minutes of buildup into breakdown that nothing has ever matched in terms of power and intensity. I listen to it over and over, sometimes for days at a time.

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